Congratulations for joining Texas Association of College and University Police Administrators!
You are now a member of over 300 close knit police and public safety professionals who recognize the value of strong personal ties with other members of our profession. Our members are offered an opportunity for information-sharing and professional development.
TACUPA is an essential factor in the development of campus law enforcement and public safety for over fifty years in Texas. The effectiveness of the association is demonstrated in the stability and strength of the law enforcement and public safety agencies represented by its membership.
Your membership grants you access to:
TCOLE Training for administrators and officers - 4 annual symposiums located throughout Texas
Lobbying power for legislative issues effecting campus law enforcement
Community Listserv- TACUPA CONNECT
Job listings
Directory of campus law enforcement professionals in the Association
Institutions and individuals are eligible for membership in TACUPA and include any institution of higher education which offers a degree of not less than two years academic credit, Texas State Technological Institutions, Police Chiefs, and any Director of a university public safety system.